Procure a work of art from Mind Pervasion GalleryProcure

All series planned for the Mind Pervasion Gallery are limited edition with only ten prints per work, globally. The context for procurement is entirely unique in that these works are not available to the public at large without qualification. Each buyer must first thoroughly contemplate and assimilate the series with utmost seriousness of intention and, eventually, select the piece that speaks most deeply to their present place and experience in life. Once selected, an application for consideration may be made.

By purcashing a work from Mind Pervasion Gallery, the buyer is consciously engaging in a direct communication, at all possible levels of body and mind, with the artist, John Ledford Gregory – an interaction that will be mutually assumed and embraced with profoundly deep commitment. As such, each application must gauge the buyer’s intention and perceived relationship to the chosen work, primarily through the following criteria:

Basic biographical information (name, location, profession, personal photograph, if available)

Elaborate explanation for why the work of interest has been chosen

Personal history with art and relationship with other pieces in the buyer’s collection

A brief account of the buyer’s greatest obstacle(s) in life, previously and presently

How the buyer envisions life and the world at large in their most ideal form

Notice of Privacy Policy

By submitting an application for procurment of a work from Mind Pervasion Gallery, you must read our privacy policy and agree to its terms. If you have issues or concerns with any or all components of this policy, we ask that you reach out to [email protected] with your name and reason for contact. While we cannot consider all exceptions to our policy, some concessions may be made in special circumstances.

Additional Guidelines

Anonymous purchase of this artwork is not possible, given its serious content and purpose. Mind Pervasion Gallery must determine that each piece is being transferred to an individual that understands the uniquity, depth, and dynamic nature of the creative process behind the art. The buyer is engaging a living relationship that can potentially have positive, life-changing consequences for one’s personal environment (internally and externally) and those connected with it but, if mishandled or disrespected, can lead to unwanted outcomes.

If granted procurement rights, the buyer, and potentially 9 others around the globe, will be entrusted with the privilege and obligation to arrange a mindful, spacious environment for storage and display of the chosen work. The environment should be free of the chaos of daily business and its arrangements and, if possible, with minimal light and noise intrusions. If your intention is to display the work in a gallery, the chosen venue should also conform to these requirements.

With exceedingly rare exceptions, no individual will be permitted to purchase more than one work at a time. The buyer’s chosen work must be “bound” to his / her life, experience, and consciousness at the greatest depth possible. Engaging in such a process with multiple pieces (from both the buyer and artist’s perspective) is impractical and will only be considered in unique, warranted circumstances.